Thursday, 15 September 2011

Evaluation of Blogs

To get a deeper insight into Blogging and the diffrent styles and types of blogs I did some research into previous blogs made by students and some existing blogs on the web promoting products such as shoe lines. The first blog I looked at was Blackstar-Riddemz made by a previous AS media student. I found her blog particularly effective as it had various different forms of media and ICT to keep people entertained this included things such as posted images of logos, playlists, different graphs and chaerts, slide shares and a border which represented the theme of the magazine. I would like to have aspects of her blog in my own such as the consitency of blog and the use of different media. Another students blog I looked at was Emily Mitchells although different to the previous blog I had looked at it was a good contrast as it was very simplistic but clear and good at getting information across. Her magazine also used lots of media techniques to keep the viewer engaged but also conveyed all the necessary information and you could see te amount of research and work that had been put into her magazine from the blog. I also looked at two professional blogs the first on being Lovemydress which is a blog that gives bridal inspiration and promotes dresses from different collections. The Blog uses several different media techniques which makes the blog more professional for example direct weblinks through clicking on images, drop down menu, a consistant theme and font which goes with the bridal style they are trying to promote. The downfall to this website is that there is little information probided and mostly picture based therefore it is harder to navigate through and find exactly what you are looking for. I also looked at Pete Frasers blog which is designed for students and teachers of A level media studies and provides them with information regarding the subject, new oppertunitys, mark schemes ect. The blog uses different media and ICT techniques such as slide share, Jpeg images, screen shots with added annotations and videos. This blog is compact with information along with the use of videos and images to break the page up and keep the reader engaged, this area of the blog is the area in which I want to encorperate into my own blog.

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