Thursday, 20 October 2011

Front cover & Contents page

 This is my Front cover for my school magazine

This is the contents page for my school magazine

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Analysing and comparing magazine covers

In this task I compared two different music magazines- Top of the Pops and Mixmag. I analysed both magazines in terms of their uses and gratifications and the different music convention codes of the magazines. They were both very different magazines in terms of their target audience but they both fulfilled the need to provide readers with information aswell as giving them the chance to form personal relationships and personal identity. 

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Audience Segmentation

Media produces segment the audience and label them into 3 groups. These 3 groups help them to determine the demographic-mesurable data such as age, income and gender. Geodemographic- information about who you are based on where you live and psycographic- information about your attitudes and beliefs.. They are catorgarised using the following: The ACORN system, The NRS systtem and Social Value groups. These allow the media producers to create products best suited for each different type of social group and class. I am going to use the three systems to help figure out the target audience for my music magazine.

Masthead Research

I have researched several different Mastheads from different music magazines and commente upon the typogrpahy, colour shape and language.